Thursday, September 22, 2016

Fall League Trivia 9.21.16

Round 1: Produce 101
1. The secret’s out. I work in a produce department in a grocery store when I’m not here with you lovely people or saving the world. Just about every item in a produce department has a sticker on it with what’s called a PLU code. What does PLU stand for?

Price look-up code
Look up by Chairlift

2. So vegetables, like most good things, don’t last forever. But, apparently one specific type of leafed vegetable can last for up to a year if stored correctly. What vegetable can last that long?

Baggage Claim – Miranda Lambert

3. Upon doing some digging and researching, the United States has one fruit that dominates over 50% of the volume of imported fresh fruits. What Fruit is this?

Banana Pancakes – Jack Johnson

4.  Stone fruit, also called drupes apparently, is a fruit with a “stone” inside of it. What is the commonplace term that has replaced the old “stone”?

A Pit
Sleepyhead  by Passion Pit

Bonus Round: Name me 5 types of apples. I will award up to 8 points for this category unless you can name more apples than I did when I first answered this question. I was able to name up to 11. If you can name me 11 or more I’ll give you those 11 points. If you can’t you only get 8. I’m still only playing 5 songs for this. Best of luck!
1. Honeycrisp
2. Gala
3. Granny Smith – Granny by Dave Matthews Band
4. Braeburn
5. Macintosh – Smack that by Akon
6. Fuji
7. Golden Delicious – House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots
8. Jazz Applies
9. Red Delicious – Under the Bridge By Red Hot Chili Peppers
10. Empire – Empire by Of Monsters and Men
11. Pink Lady
12. (Cortland)
13. (Macoun)
Round 2: Produce 102
1. Welcome to another session of Produce, I’m your Prof., Dr. Rice, and I’m surprised this many people showed up again for another class. Since you’re all so dedicated to the subject at hand I’ll take it easy on you for this first question. What country leads the way in the production of 19 fruits and vegetables?
China Grove by the Doobie Brothers
2. In my experience I’ve seen boxes in Spanish and French that say “sin pepitas” and “sans pépins” respectively. What do these phrases translate to in English? Hint: they are related the quality of the fruit that they are describing.
Seedless or Without Seeds
Twisted Love by Seedless
3. A little etymology for you. Just about every other language calls a certain fruit an “Ananas” EXCEPT for English. In English, what do we call an “Ananas”?
Pineapple Fanta by Soulja Boiiiiiii
4. PO – TATE – OH. Boilin’ em, mashin’ em, stickin’ em in a stew. In Maine there’s a county that used to be one of the top potato producers in the country. In fact many schools in this county still give a week of school off for harvesting the potatoes. What is the name of this county? As a hint, the county starts with an A.
Aroostook County
Rooster in my Rari by Waka Flocka Flame
Bonus: Fingerling potatoes can come in a variety of colors and they’re small, almost bite size potatoes. Name me 5 different colors these potatoes can come in.
1. Red – Can’t Stop by RHCP
2. Yellow – Way Away by Yellowcard
3. Purple – Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple
4. Orange – Orange by Gucci Mane
5. White – White Iverson by Post Malone
Round 3: M&MDP (Mike & Matt Do Produce)
1. Hello all I’m berry happy to see you here tonight. What is the most expensive berry dish in the world? It’s worth 1.4 million and comes with garnished with diamonds. Half credit if you guess the berry, full for the entire name.
Strawberries Arnaud
As we are now - Saint Raymond
2. Hey there…. Nice melons. CLASSIC. Apparently the colliquol cantaloupe is the wrong name for our species Cucumis melo. Because of its reticulated netting on it, it has a different name that has the word melon in it. What should it be called?
Muskrat Ramble by Louis Armstrong  
3. Wow you really know your way around a butternut squash – I’d love to see how you handle mine some time….
The butternut squash belongs to the genus cucurbita. What does this word translate to in English? Meaning what do we more commonly call the genus of squashes? It’s a more inclusive term.
Gin and Juice by the Guords
4. You’re all in for a treat – one of my oldest friends did me a solid and recorded himself asking this question. He’s a lover of trivia and a former produce man himself.
Girl I wanna make you feel like a rotten watermelon. Squishy on the outside but a puddle on the inside….
Question: How heavy was the heaviest watermelon? Answer can be +/-15 to the actual answer.
Holland by the 257ers
Bonus: Listen to Gwen Stefani sing Hollaback girl. I used to count how many times she said shit at middle dances with my friend Ethan because it was middle school and we were boys so that was fun. I also want you to tell me how many times she says “bananas.” You have until the end of the song, goooood luck!
Shit: 38
Bananas: 8
There are 77 vegetables that are apparently native to Massachusetts. I’m going to name you 7 that you need to draw over the course of the next two rounds - you'll be compensated with points for each successful vegetable drawn.

1. Asparagus
2. Beets, June through December
3. Fennel, October and November
4. Fiddleheads, April and May
5. Kohlrabi, June and July, September and October
6. Parsnips
7. Rutabagas, August through November
Contact High:
The 3 Jewesses:
We Got Here Late #RIPSummer:

   1.   Winston’s Winions: 14 + (4*3) = 25
2.   RIP Harambe #RIPPrince: 14 + (1*3) = 17
3.   3 Jewesses: 2 + (3*3) = 11
Gravity Falls Harder than my GPA = 11
4.   BRAWNDO: (2*3) = 6
5.   H2K2 = 4
6.   Vodka Cranberries: 2
Ethan What Happened to your nose?: 2
7.    The Charlottans: 1
Chubby Bunny: 1
Mi-Ka-La: 1

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